Friday, October 14, 2005

Update on the Mexican

Well it seems that it was not ganja he was smoking at but crack. The manager at first tried to talk him out of the toilet but he just refused to talk. Another manager then tried to do the same but again not a word or movement. When they looked under the cubicle they could see that he was just standing there. They looked over the cubicle and got the shock of their lives as the Mexican was just standing their staring with a very frightening possessed look on his face.
Now it was serious and the paramedics were called in. He refused to move or speak. Now the police were called in and they did not take the situation lightly it was a looney terrorist alert to them and they dealt with it in their usual over the top way and removed him by force.
He is now in hospital and has still not uttered one word to anyone, including his wife. Up to this point he had been a model employee, never late, non confrontational and always sober. Very weird or the best crack on the planet- had he seen God?


Anonymous said...

Even your bog is spammed by Canada

Anonymous said...

Doesn't that always happen to the model employee?