Wednesday, July 06, 2005

There’s a hurricane on the way toward Pirate Inc. Just when they thought it couldn’t get any worse!

French lose the Olympics bid – well we had to laugh. Yes you Chirac - I spit on your mothers cooking.

Company X has a new employee manual. Well what a fucking joke this is. From now on you cannot make sarcastic remarks in the work place!? This is an attack on the entire sense of humour of the country. “Nice haircut John” would now be considered harassment. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

also the holy book of company x states
if you are on a trip you can get 20 underwares washed once a week but you cannot get 2 underwares washed twice a week.

people who calculates the odds for the games must be responsible for this math

Anonymous said...

This has nothing to do with the people who calculate the odds, unless of course the dazzler has taken on this responsibility too.