Wednesday, July 20, 2005

As a number of Company X staff carry guns I though it would be nice to have a story from

Nickelodeon—the Brainwashing Network
by Curt Bolding
Curt Bolding is a 16-year police veteran with experience spanning four jurisdictions in Illinois. Still active in his chosen profession, he currently serves as both a street officer and as a police control and arrest tactics instructor.

On Father’s Day this year, June 18, 2000, I was enjoying a quiet morning with the kids, who were watching their favorite channel for cartoons, Nickelodeon. While I was lazing with a cup of coffee, thinking about things like picnics and puttering in the yard, something on TV caught my attention. During their usual commercial programming, Nickelodeon was attempting another kind of programming—aimed at my kids’ minds.
Several kids, ages about seven to nine, were pictured on the screen. All were holding cardboard signs, with either a red star or a blue star. Then the announcer spoke up, and said, "Do you think adults should have guns in a house if a kid lives there? Seven out of ten kids said no." Seven smiling kids were holding signs with red stars, three holding blue stars. I caught the next question, after doing the obligatory Danny Thomas style spit take. "Should adults own guns at all? Eight out of ten kids said no." Eight red stars. "Should guns be sold with safety locks on them? Seven kids said yes." You get the idea. To be fair, I may not have the numbers exactly right as far as how many kids said what. It was about a two-thirds majority in favor of the gun control agenda. If there was another question asked, I missed it because by this point I was too busy gnawing on my ankle.
In my apoplexy, I have crafted this article on my Father’s Day, before going out and doing my duty for America by sending my share of the fifty million rounds downrange. I must apologize to my regular readers who are more used to information-based articles from the standpoint of the professional police officer. Yet it is also my duty to point out to citizens the lower, more base, elements of society wherever they rear up.
The anti-civil-rights movement has clearly been channeling money to Nickelodeon to get that network to promote their political ideas. Now, wouldn’t you think that a network that provides kids’ programming would have some sense of responsibility as far as what kind of stuff they filled kids’ heads with? When the hell did pushing political issues on children become the right thing to do? I must have missed Nickelodeon’s ads pertaining to abortion, Kosovo, and the security lapses at Los Alamos. What’s next? Elian Gonzalez hosting a green slime game show?
This is by far the lowest level that the anti-civil-rights movement has sunk to yet. If they’re willing to brainwash all our children, they’ll stop at nothing. The Less-Than-A-Million Moms have proven that they’re not interested in discussion. The conversations that go on in their relatively few Internet message boards show that without exception they run and hide when presented with the facts. They are careful not to let reality intrude into their vision of a self-contained world filled with puppies and butterflies. Not that this is surprising; they are perfect examples of the timid, overly sensitive weaklings this society has bred in recent years. Wealthy hypocrites like Rosie O’Donnell and Diane Feinstein do their talking for them, so that the sheep may remain in their pens. In the rabid pursuit of their agenda, there are no rules. They have no honor. They have no integrity. Not content to try to disarm you, Ladies and Gentlemen of America, they’re now going after the minds of your children. Using the safety of their own children as their premise, yours are now expendable.
Watch Nickelodeon. See this travesty for yourselves, and come to your own conclusions. Should you have an opinion on the matter, you can express it at Feel free to drop my name and refer them this article. Tell everybody you know about it and post it on your favorite newsgroups. Every organization that is sympathetic to gun control, or more accurately, their money, needs to get the same message that Smith & Wesson’s been getting.
To paraphrase Walter Cronkite, the very idea that they’re trying to implant thoughts in your children’s minds ought to scare you to death. Posted by Picasa

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