Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Shameless Cuts Seamless Workforce
This year has seen the fall of many comrades. May we remember them all here, in rough order of departure:

The Guv'nor


Feral Kid


Fat cat

Mohammed Ali

Mick Dundee

Lisa Simpson


Arnold McSchwarzenegger

Basil Brush

Middlesbrough defender

Imran Khan


Lazy bear

John Lee Hooker


Papa Stavros

Mr Burns

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


After 6 months of forgetting the password due to a drunken-password-changing-mishap, I awoke today sober and in a moment of clarity remembered what it was. Lo and behold it worked and now we are up and running again. Check back soon, new articles will appear when I can be arsed to write them.